
Showing posts from May, 2018

Food Trip: Taiwan Day 3

Day 3 Our Day 3 in Taiwan was more tiring compared to day 2 and it was because of the cold weather!!! Our outfit were so out of place. I swear we have checked several times 1 week before our travel and Accuweather was consistent in giving a 26degree weather in our whole stay so we brought summer outfit 😂. Thank goodness we also brought jackets and scarfs for emergency purposes. Our first meal for the day was breakfast... in Mcdonalds ! We have been looking for Mcdonalds since day 1 just to check if they have the same menu 😂 Didn't disappoint tho, they have different meals. I got Spicy McChicken Sandwich while my friend got a barbecue flavored sandwich which actually tasted like the "seasoning" that I've mentioned in my last post! Whew... **I should've taken a picture of the burger right? lol The branch where we dined in was in Taipei Zoo btw. We spent approximately 4hrs walking around the zoo and of course, we got milk tea ! :) After exploring th

Food Trip: Taiwan Day 2

Day 2 Our Day 2 in Taiwan was quite exhausting. We traveled for hours just to reach every destination and it even rained! We had to buy rain coats because our umbrellas were not quite functional under heavy rain and strong winds. Our first stop for the day was  Yehliu Geopark . Before reaching the park, we bought milk tea from a cafe near it, which was one of the best milk teas I have tasted. We had this for 50NTD. After exploring the park, we had our lunch in a nearby seafood restaurant and had the best-est and freshest seafood ever! We ordered fried rice, boiled shrimp and fried crabs. I forgot the exact name of the restaurant and the dishes tho. I swear, these were one of the freshest seafood I had in my life! Even the color of the shrimp was different compared to those in the Philippines. You don't even have to devein it! Super happy tummy. 👍 After lunch, we then traveled to Shifen to light up a sky lantern. We bought only one snack, which was Pean

Food Trip: Taiwan Day 1

I visited Taiwan last month for five days. During our research days, on where to go and where to eat, what really caught our attention was there was so much food to try! Lot of night markets and restaurants to choose from. We had a hard time fitting everything in our whole stay. We just chose those which are near to our hotel and to the tourist spots we visited. I will share our food trips while in Taiwan and will try to recall every detail from day 1 to day 5. Day 1: When we arrived early in the morning, we slept at the airport and waited for the first train to operate. We then left our baggage at the hotel lobby and started exploring Taipei City. The first snack that we bought was called Delimanjoo . Delimanjoo Photo from Google We saw this stall at Jiantan MRT station and it smelled so good we were tempted to buy. For 50 NTD, we were able to get around 8pcs. Soft mini cakes with custard inside.. yum! Our first stop was at Tian Yuan temple. We were disappointed t

Food Trip: Point and Grill + Avengers Infinity War Spoiler :P

In order to squeeze in a "quality time" on our hectic schedule, I visited him on a weekday after work few weeks ago. Honestly, it was kind of difficult to be in a long distance relationship (if you consider ours as one, we live in neighbor provinces :P ), one has always to sacrifice in order to meet at least once a week. What more if the lovers are in different countries? I bet it's more difficult. It really takes time and effort to make every single relationship work. Anyways, it was a very quick date, we just ate dinner and watched Avengers Infinity War.   We almost landed to Bonchon when we saw this not so familiar restaurant in SM Tarlac. It's called Point and Grill. It was literally " Point at your desired food and they'll grill it". There were a lot of customers when we arrived even if it's kinda late. Unfortunately, we were not able to try their grilled foods because we only had few minutes left before the LFS of Avengers so we had t

Food Trip: Top of Cebu Restaurant

The first time I went to Cebu, which was in 2016, we explored the northern part of it. Me and my sister stayed in Bantayan Island. What a beautiful place it is! I promised myself then that I'll be back to explore the City itself and southern part of Cebu. Last week, I was able to fulfill my one of my promises, to stay in the city. This time, I was with my whole family. It was really hard to plan a trip when you are with your parents and niece, there are a lot of things to consider! Unlike when I am travelling with my sister or friends, the itinerary can be spontaneous at times. But if you have a family like mine who are picky eaters and who easily get tired, you'll definitely plan everything properly! We spent our 3 days in the city and most of our time was spent in the hotel 😂 For our lunch on our second day, we ate at Top of Cebu Restaurant . The drive going to this restaurant felt like we were going to Baguio. It was literally at the top of Cebu so we had to drive to