Food Trip: Taiwan Day 3

Day 3

Our Day 3 in Taiwan was more tiring compared to day 2 and it was because of the cold weather!!! Our outfit were so out of place. I swear we have checked several times 1 week before our travel and Accuweather was consistent in giving a 26degree weather in our whole stay so we brought summer outfit 😂. Thank goodness we also brought jackets and scarfs for emergency purposes.

Our first meal for the day was breakfast... in Mcdonalds! We have been looking for Mcdonalds since day 1 just to check if they have the same menu 😂 Didn't disappoint tho, they have different meals. I got Spicy McChicken Sandwich while my friend got a barbecue flavored sandwich which actually tasted like the "seasoning" that I've mentioned in my last post! Whew...

**I should've taken a picture of the burger right? lol

The branch where we dined in was in Taipei Zoo btw. We spent approximately 4hrs walking around the zoo and of course, we got milk tea! :)

After exploring the zoo, we went to Maokong Village by riding a gondola which was a few minute ride. We had an aerial view of Taiwan and it was amazing! But if you are afraid of heights, well, you've got to skip this part.

We had our late lunch in one of the eateries in the village. We were supposed to try stinky tofu on a stall near the gondola station but we decided to walk further. That's how we landed to that eatery which I don't know what it was called.

(I don't know the name of this noodle soup I'm sorry) The soup was really tasty but it was absorbed by the noodles which became really thick after few minutes. The serving was big, did not able to finish it. It costs around 100+NTD.

We took another gondola ride to go back to the mrt station. This time, on a glass cabin. Amazing and scary at the same time. We then hiked to Elephant mountain and went to Taipei 101 as well.

We ended the day with a visit to Ningxia Night Market and these were what we've got:

1. Sausage wrapped in glutinous rice

Literally a sausage wrapped in semi crispy glutinous rice. The taste was okay but the "seasoning" was overwhelming.

2. Flame grilled beef cubes

We enjoyed watching the seller cook the beef with fire. It took some time tho for this to be cooked since it was raw and there were lot of customers who were waiting to be served. We got to chose a seasoning which I also forgot 😂. Sad to say, almost half of the beef was raw inside. None of us three eat raw meat so we just threw it away.

3. Mochi

We enjoyed these tiny babies. We almost bought another set haha! These were served hot and were really soft and tasty! We got peanut and.... I forgot  😥

4. Oyster Omelette

This has the longest queue in Ningxia Night Market! We spent almost an hour lining up outside the restaurant and waiting to be seated. The good part was that Taiwanese people do not stay in a restaurant too long. Once they're done eating, they immediately leave. I don't know.. maybe it is just a Filipino culture to stay in a restaurant especially in coffee shops even if they already consumed what they ordered.

Anyways, these were served fresh from the fryer. I had mixed emotions while eating Oyster Omelette. It was tasty, yes, the sauce helped to make it more flavorful. But there were these soft and sticky things (I don't know what those were, part of oysters? or not oyster?) in the omelette which I found not that delightful.

We ended the night market trip by sipping Papaya shake which actually was pure papaya and there was no ice mixed in it. Yummy!

End of Day 3.

To be continued...


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